CYBERDYNAMICX Digital Transformation & Data Pro Services –

What we do

With Cyberdynamicx Data Pro Services we are data engineers, our goal is to increase our clients Data Ability. To do this we use enterprise Open Source and proprietary software to process the complexity of the modern enterprise data into actionable intelligence.  We have the skills and tools to deliver infrastructure, data architectures and the applications that run on them.

Data Applications

  • Data Pipelines – Building complex data pipelines that automate and facilitate the collection, curating and analysis of data, with a
    • High Volume – Having the ability to process 1.7 billion transactions from csv files within hours streamlining the audit process of a card processing company
    • Low Latency – Writing logic for telecoms providers that return routing requests to switches at an average of 7ms
    • Always on – Developing data ingestion pipelines for the shipping industry that need to be available 24/7
  • Data Visualisation – Build stunning visualisations of customer data, using experience gained from multiple industries with analysts that have decades of reporting experience
  • Predictive Analytics – deploying Data Robot, a self-service data science -platform or engaging from a team of well known internationally based data scientist to create predictive capability.
  • Application Integration – Application sprawl is a fact of enterprise life. We build common web front ends that integrate through AIS’s and utilise Business Process Management engines to bring multiple applications under one roof.

Data Architecture

  • Data Streaming- be able to process streams of files and manipulate, augment and curate data in real time.
  • Data Warehousing –Storing data in an appropriate structure away from the original data store for reporting, performance or continuity reasons.
  • Data Virtualization- be able to connect multiple different data-stores, files, NoSQL, NewSQL and relational, private or public cloud data stores into a single ‘virtual ‘database, enabling the building of a single business semantic layer over the data
  • Data Analysis – Tools to visualize and analyses data including dashboards, pixel perfect reporting and complex machine learning capabilities.

Data Infrastructure

With Cyberdynamicx Data Pro Services we build our data applications/architecture in a cloud native way using containers (Docker), these containers managed through Kubernetes. The benefit of this approach is that we can deploy our software stack anywhere Kubernetes is, on-premise or in the cloud.

  • Single Node Kubernetes – Single virtual machine (VM) or a bare metal machine on which Core Digital Transformation Platform can be installed.  Often used for lighter weight or single use applications.
  • Container Management Platform – Full, cluster aware, fully redundant Kubernetes management platform can be deployed to meet any scaling requirements.
  • Hyper Converged infrastructure. Compute, network and storage virtualization software can be installed on between 3-12 nodes. Ideal for reducing costs of full reach deployments.
  • Multi Cloud Management Software – Manage your infrastructure wherever it resides, on-premise or the cloud.

Vendor Integration

  • Vendor Integration-
  • Red Hat – Linux
  • Microsoft- SQL, SharePoint
  • Oracle
  • SAP
  • Integrate SaaS via direct API
  • IaaS Integration


Technology Partners:

Red Hat Technology Partner
